Neurostimulation therapy is an alternative treatment that helps improve mental health by treating mood and depressive disorders. Doctors use this treatment to treat mental health problems such as depression when traditional medication is ineffective. Neurostimulation therapy is the process of applying low-voltage electricity to nerves in the brain to alter a patient’s mood and treat depressive disorders.
Neurostimulation therapy is available at Wholehealth PLLC in Houston and the surrounding area. Our practitioners can develop a treatment plan that helps you overcome certain mental health issues when traditional treatments have been ineffective. Mood and depressive disorders can be debilitating at times, and neurostimulation therapy serves as an alternative treatment that alters the signals in the brain that cause these problems.
This alternative treatment is an option when other treatment plans no longer help the issue. Call 832-831-3183 to schedule an appointment and see how neurostimulation therapy can help treat your condition.
Neurostimulation therapy uses low-voltage electricity to activate or inhibit nerve signals sent to the brain to treat mental disorders. By using magnets or small electronic devices to send low-voltage shocks to the brain every few seconds, we can help to promote change in how it functions during mental health episodes. It is often effective when traditional medication is not.
While medication can usually help patients cope with symptoms of their mental illness, medication alone will not be enough for treatment. In many cases, patients can benefit from combining medication, therapy, and other forms of treatment. Not all patients will be candidates for neurostimulation therapy.
However, there are multiple benefits including
The National Institute of Mental Health lists five types of brain stimulation therapy. We can determine which method of treatment to use based upon the type and severity of a patient’s depressive disorder. All of the following types of neurostimulation therapy have proven to be effective alternative treatment options.
Neurostimulation therapy helps many patients achieve remission from mental health disorders. The practitioners at Wholehealth PLLC in Houston can determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Call us at 832-831-3183 to schedule an appointment.
How long does neurostimulation therapy take?
The severity of a patient’s disorder determines how long it takes for treatment to be effective. For magnetic treatments performed in an office setting, patients often see improvement in as little as four weeks. Those with implanted devices may see results immediately.
How many neurostimulation therapy sessions will I need?
The number of appointments will vary per patient and their condition. We can go over the frequency of appointments after developing a treatment plan. We can also make changes to the plan when necessary.
Who is a good candidate for neurostimulation therapy?
Neurostimulation therapy is a good alternative for patients who cannot take prescription medication for medical reasons. It is also a viable treatment option when other medications are ineffective. Patients may also choose this therapy if other medications have triggered harsh side effects.
What are the risks of neurostimulation therapy?
There are few risks associated with neurostimulation therapy. The most significant risk comes from invasive therapy when implanting the neurostimulator. A patient’s body could potentially reject the device, but this is rare.
What conditions does neurostimulation therapy help?
Neurostimulation therapy helps any mental health disorder. It is primarily used for depression. Patients with mood disorders also find this therapy beneficial.
What are the benefits of neurostimulation therapy?
Neurostimulation therapy achieves results more quickly than medication. It also has a reduced risk of relapse. Many patients choose this treatment to avoid traditional medication.
Wholehealth PLLC is located at
6100 Corporate Dr #238,
Houston, TX
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